Laser Dentistry

There is an innovative new treatment gaining popularity in dentistry which may minimize pain and recovery time--laser dentistry. Currently it is estimated that only 6 percent of general dentists utilize a laser for soft-tissue treatments. Although lasers have been used in dentistry since 1994, there is no laser system which has been given the American Dental Association's (ADA) Seal of Acceptance, despite FDA approval. The ADA is confident of the role of laser technology in the field of dentistry and moves forward with encouraging dentists to learn and implement the use of lasers in their treatment options.

How Does it Work?

A laser focuses a high energy beam in the form of light which acts as a cutting instrument. A laser allows for a targeted area of focus without damaging surrounding tissues relying on the dentist’s proficiency in controlling power output and the duration of exposure on the tissue (whether gum or tooth) resulting in a comfortable and precise treatment. A laser can be used when ‘curing’ a filling to increase the bond between a filling and the tooth or in whitening procedures to increase the effects of bleaching by acting as a heat source.

How Can it be Used?

Incorporating state of the art precision technology, Dr. Hylton utilizes both soft tissue and hard tissue lasers with a variety of common and unique procedures. Hard tissue laser procedures are utilized on tooth surfaces and soft tissue laser procedures are used for gums and all other soft tissue areas.
  • Dental Fillings/Tooth Preparation: In place of a traditional drill, lasers can kill bacteria, remove decay and prepare the tooth for a filling.
  • Cavity Detector: By reading the results of tooth decay, soft tissue dental lasers can we used to detect early cavities.
  • Tooth Sensitivity: Laser can seal tubules (located on the root of the tooth) which are responsible for hot and cold sensitivity.
  • Crown Lengthening: Reshape gums and bone plus remove gum disease bacteria to create a strong foundation for the placement of restorations.
  • Gummy Smile: A soft tissue laser can reshape gums to improve the impression of a gummy smile by uncovering healthy tooth structure.
  • Laser Frenectomy: Treatment of muscle attachment for children who are tongue tied (restricted or tight frenulum), infants unable to breastfeed or for speech impediments.
  • Biopsy: Remove a small piece of tissue for a biopsy or removal of benign tumors and mouth lesions.
  • Soft Tissue Folds (Epulis): Removal of soft tissue folds caused by ill-fitting dentures.
  • Teeth Whitening: Decrease in office time for teeth whitening procedures with low intensity soft tissue lasers.
  • Cold Sores: Reduce pain associated with cold sores and minimize healing time.
  • Viewing Gum and Tooth Tissues: A safer way to see the inside gums and teeth in real time is with Optical Coherence Tomography.
  • Nerve Regeneration: Regenerate injured nerves, blood vessels and scars with Photobiomodulation.
  • Sleep Apnea: Reshape tissue overgrowth in areas of the throat and relieve the correlating breathing problems associated with sleep apnea.
  • Temporomandibular Joint Treatment: Quickly reduce pain and swelling of the temporomandibular jaw joint with dental lasers.

For both hard and soft tissue issues, laser dentistry is a cutting edge treatment option to help you feel more comfortable and experience less anxiety during your next dental visit. Give Dr. Hylton a call today to see how we can provide you state of the art treatment using Laser Dentistry.

Dr. William Hylton

Savin Dental Care

654 Savin Ave West Haven, CT 06516
Phone : (203) 208 - 7711

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Dentist West Haven CT, Sleep Apnea West Haven CT, Orthodontics West Haven CT, Cosmetic Dentistry West Haven CT, CPAP West Haven CT, Dental Implants West Haven CT, Laser Dentistry West Haven CT, Full Mouth
Restoration West Haven CT, TMJ Treatment West Haven CT, Bridges & Dentures West Haven CT, Dr. William Hylton West Haven CT